Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I received the definition of resilience in an email today and the words have been an echo throughout my day. 

“Resilience is the ability to work with adversity in such a way that one comes through it unharmed or even better for the experience.  Resilience means facing life's difficulties with courage and patience – refusing to give up.  It is the quality of character that allows a person to rebound from misfortune, hardships and traumas.
            Resilience is rooted in a tenacity of spirit – a determination to embrace all that makes life worth living even in the face of overwhelming odds.  Much of our resilience comes from community – from the relationships that allow us to lean on each other for support when we need it.”

Two days after burying Hayden was my 33rd birthday.  I found the concept of my birthday utterly ridiculous under the circumstances.  I was in disbelief that the world was still moving forward and I was stuck.  I kept thinking to myself that there has to be something to learn from the tragedy that fell on our family.   

8 months later, my heart still aches for Hayden but I have learned that I am resilient.  I have learned that living with a tragedy isn’t the end of our lives but the beginning of a new kind of life and we will survive.  I have learned that the sun rises and sets, regardless if your heart is broken.  I have learned that crying doesn’t make me weak, it makes me human.  I have learned that there are still reasons to smile and find joy in our lives.  I have learned that I will always miss Hayden but most of all I have learned that I have no choice but to be resilient.

Hayden’s Helping Hands is a resilient “community” that financially supports families when they need it.  We give families a shoulder to lean on when the medical bill arrives for a baby they can no longer plan on bringing home.  If you know a family who needs financial assistance with their delivery medical bills, please give them our information.  If you desire to support a family when they need it, please make a donation.  No donation is too small and all are appreciated.  www.haydenshelpinghands.com

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