Thursday, December 2, 2010

Inaugural Board Meeting

December 2nd marks the inaugural board meeting for Hayden’s Helping Hands, this is a time to make a difference and a time to pay it forward.  The Board of Directors for Hayden’s Helping Hands is created from some of my closest friends.  They are volunteers who are brought together by one common goal; to stand in solidarity with those who have suffered the loss of a stillborn child.  

Board of Directors left to right; Julia Gilbert, Jenny Post, Christine Beltz, Rebekka Hauskins, Amy Stavig, Julia Stavig and not pictured is Holly Yeck.


  1. You're an amazing woman and mother! I'm so proud to standing with you and these great ladies.

  2. Congratulations on the success of Hayden's Helping Hands. Your perserverence, strength and compassion of being a loving parent, wife, daughter, daughter-in-law, and friend defines who you are, which is nothing less than wonderful. We are so thankful to be able to walk this journey with you.

    Love you DIL....

  3. Wow! You are amazing and this sounds wonderful! How do I learn more about it?

  4. Thank you ladies for your kind words. We are very pleased to be able to bring Hayden's Helping Hands to life. I appreciate your interest in our blog and non-profit. Stay tuned into this blog for our progress. As soon as we receive our 501(c)(3) number from the state, we will begin our fundraising efforts, website, etc...
